Mascot – a thing, an object of luck, attract money or scare away the evils. The magical effect of the object depends on its type and its belief in the miracle of its owner. Of great importance is the power issue – she must nourish the media of joss, the suitcase thing of your desire to achieve the objectives. More often than pick up the pet for the money, seeking to catch the luck of the magic.

Many pick up amulets, intuitive, feeling with them the energy of communication. If you don't see around anything suitable and not pick up the magical emanations of the things of the buyer. Money talisman, attracting prosperity, you can buy or make yourself.
Money amulets-pets are different, for example, as the frog, or big-bellied of a monk, or worker bees, often with the image of coins. The mascot can be anything you want: the first currency, won, alone, river of stone, brought for a holiday or a normal ballpoint pen. The prices depend on the quality of the material. If not, then you will need to do this for yourself the crescent of the moon, asking several times mascot of money to multiply all the money, that come to you. After you put it in a visible location and support your thoughts with faith in god.
The positive energy that emerged from her thoughts, it will attract the money of well-being in your life. The importance of presenting the final result of his wealth. For example: the wallet full of money. And thinking about it as soon as possible. To tell others about this should not be, and then the talisman to attract money will work. - Enough to keep among their personal belongings.
Ready figurines, drop-down action figures and jewellery – amulets, very popular in feng shui. There is a whole line dedicated to raising money and choose the mascot.
Touches of foot – one of the most popular magical items, which attracts money and wealth. More precious is the hind, which charge you the animal, caught on the full moon in the cemetery.
Money of the grant stitched himself from red velvet. Within invested 9 hair of his head, the paper note (large) and b. of. Filling prepared tied and tape may be used, suspending, in the neck or I got it in the bag. It is believed that he is a very strong talisman, and to strengthen their action to embark on a money tree, wealth is not a long time to wait.
How to make money mascot with your own hands?
First of all, the person should realize that money likes to move. Collecting the capital, and not wasting your, you give to understand that the money is not needed, because they are dead weight and do not work. Because it depends on the parish you signs of money spent is part-refundable in a double sense. Furthermore, the awareness there are some tools that can accelerate and exaggerate the number of mass monetary. Let's learn how to make money in the pet, with the hands, for that it works well and contributed to the accumulation of wealth.
You will need to find a photo of the chinese mascot "5 benefits" and sketch, paint it yourself. For the amulet of storage time, use of cardboard, and in the end, open your varnish. "5 benefits" will facilitate not only an increase in wealth, but also to attract happiness to your life, health, peace and longevity. In the same spirit operates the mascot "Nambu", and using amulets, must be in wallet, handbag or purse, that are constantly.
The simplest form of talisman to attract money: put in a wallet mint leaf, when it dries up, change, cool. The bag of mint tea, the image of the leaf of the grape also work. Attract money, help and a sheet of red paper, on which is written "In my bag always has money". The money reinforced, attract the red color, buy a bag of that color. The size of the portfolio, must match the highest of notes, so that they do not bend. And finally, consider regularly your money, this also contributes to their lust.
What kind of box mascot to put in the bag?
To attract the cash flow can be not only a job, and work in three shifts, seven days per week. There are items that, literally, attracts touch currency, providing them with an uninterrupted flow. You just need to pick up your costume for the money in your wallet and store it together with the accounts. However, before that he shall choose, you need to ruthlessly throw out all the junk that accumulated in units of your purse: checks, receipts, business cards and other pieces of paper that have no relation with the new abroad-notes.

The costume, that puts you in the stock market, you must please, and cause a pleasant association. Do not use the items that something unpleasant or do not inspire confidence – and, in your case, they simply will not work.
Money very good pets for the wallet to them. For example, the role of the dollar works as a magnet, thanks to a symbol, in front of her. Please note that in it is represented the all-seeing eye is a symbol of the magic that is called cash flow. And also you can use a large note, stained, your honey and a movie. It needs to be put in the inside pocket of the portfolio that will function as a magnet. The "join" money of the other.
The currencies are ideal to use as bait for the wealth. You can buy the common currency from a bank and use it in the portfolio is a good way to attract large accounts.
Saved the first gain in the ruble? In any case, do not waste it in vain, and keep it in a pocket of the wallet – it will bring good luck and help attract cash flow to the side of your bag.
Photo money mascots
Without a doubt, there are many skeptics who are downright evil about the ancient teachings, for example, feng-shui, which use a variety of talismans to attract love, money. Of course, someone who spends the whole day on the chair in front of the tv – the magic of accessories, such as a poultice dead. However, it is not uncommon for the reverse situation – working man as a laborious, and tap the currency that he is not late. Here and I need a photo of the mascot to attract money, which according to the feng table and left is the equivalent to the power of the magical accessory.
Description of box mascots
The first thing that comes in mind, after you ask the question, where are the money in the wallet. And, in addition to banknotes and coins that are not business cards, credit card, cheques and so on. All of this repels the flow of money. Thus, in the first place free-wallet of unnecessary things. Instead, we put a, but powerful magic accessory – picture of the mascot of wealth, which you can choose, in their respective Network sites. As a magical magnet to attract notes, you can use photos of old chinese coins, related with red tie. If you don't want to mess with the photo, you can use a small pouch of dried root of horseradish, it is desirable that it was cultivated by itself.
Works perfectly, that verified the practice, the note, the north american volute – does not have a nominal value, generally, in the purse dress green piece of paper in a dollar or your photo (photocopy). The main point here is that, in the note of a dollar has suffered a powerful sacred symbol to attract money – the all-seeing eye, located between the top and the base of egypt, the pyramids. In fact, options of images of pets, conducive to the financial, growth, abundance. Important in this process – belief, unconditional on the verge of fanaticism that is a priori help!
A talisman of good luck and money
Many people would like to know, what are your charms for attracting good luck and fortune to provide a real help for non-intentional situation. As both race in our world, the greatest and magical power have various types of stones. But, to pick up exactly your option, it will start from your sign of the zodiac. So, to attract money Ram is better to use amethyst. Pomegranate and beryl – a mascot for the Twins. Emerald, the preference of cancers and behold, Ruby chooses themselves masters fair Lions. Agate will bring good luck to the Calves, and the Virgin should fabricate for himself an amulet of cyanite or jasper. Scales more calculating zodiac sign, prefer to use a talisman-a diamond. Lapis lazuli or turquoise is the stone of vulnerable Industrialization, but the Aquarius of your luck, you need to speak to sapphire. The fish use the most powerful wick – stone of the moon.

Make a good luck charm or to attract you can of these stones. However, you can try and other amulets of good luck and wealth. For example, a good option would be to move away from the four elements. For its production will need to tape the golden or magenta color, which with the help of natural yarns to apply the embroidery. It should display all the four symbols of the elements: the water, the wind, the moon and the sun. Embroidery, for in the end form a single image. Then away need to sanctify these elements (to put under the rain and the wind and t. p.) and you can use it.
There is a huge mass of amulets that bring their owners money and prosperity, good fortune, prosperity and success. They come in a wide variety of types and shapes: bracelets symbolic and beautiful, ancient coins, pendants of precious metals, the pearls of the stone, and t. p. And no matter what you do you walk away from yourself, cannot, in the present or decide to buy the amulet Ezotilicheskom store. You need to know how to load a box of costume properly, since only in the case of the magical ritual all the rules and canons of decoration acquires a sacred properties and absorbs the energy of a Higher power.
Only properly collected amulets effective they will be. In fact, there are many ways how to load a professional costume witch. They all have one thing in common – the rite must be carried out in the period of the new moon, or on the first day of growth of the Moon. In these days of satellite of the Earth contributes to the revitalisation of the Higher forces, which in turn transmit its strength, charms and eMuletam. Read the prayer is optional. It is important that your request was of a pure heart.
Charms to attract money and luck can come in handy as the losers, who often has no luck in life, and for the beasts of Fortune, temporarily entered in the "black hole"," bar life. But for such amulets have helped to achieve success, you need to all the time carry. If it is some great thing, that it is inconvenient to take with you, you must give it a special place in the apartment or the office. It all depends on what you want to attract money and prosperity in your home or climbing the stairs.
How to choose a talisman of good luck?
In more good luck and all needs. Entrepreneurs if it is necessary at the conclusion of lucrative contracts, students – during the exam sessions of love in personal relationships, in search of a good job – in an interview with the employer. A little bit of confidence in himself is able to give a man of any thing, or a pet that you are associated with luck.
Now buy a good-luck talisman you can each, but the choice must be suitable for you. That shape and size, it will not matter, the most important – it should always be with you, and then good luck you will not leave!
As a mascot, you can use the coins, pendants, bracelets, gemstones, rings and many. Dr. there are several, each responsible for a particular sphere of life (love, money, travel, business, relationships, self-realization). For example, in a car it can be stored in mascot, offering the your luck on the trip, which helps to avoid traffic jams, not to fall in a traffic ACCIDENT, always find the parking space. In the portfolio, your luck can respond to specially prepared a ritual currency, which attracts the luck in terms of wealth and abundance.
The most commonly used lucky charms, figures that everyone is familiar with the childhood, the horseshoe, goldfish, paw, rabbit, chetIraklistNY clover. This traditional symbols of good luck in a certain area, and can be a good service and the adult and the child.
You can make a talisman of good luck with your own hands?
Esoteric talismans and occult talismans are a type of energy security, which aims to phased lock negative and destructive channels. Because this opens the flow of favourable energy, apparently in the aura of the individual. This allows you to normalize the main aspects of life, to attract financial prosperity and improve the personality of a relationship.
To determine how to make a talisman of good luck, it is necessary to reveal the spectrum of action magical object. There are masts totem, runes, astrological and protectors of lucky charms, characterized by a powerful energy of the building. For the creation of the mascot manually need to purchase the ritual attributes, and also choose the place, the acceptable maximum for the magical action. This should be pontаеннonе room, located on the east side.

Simple good-luck talisman with your own hands can be made with the use of coins, which should be found. On day zero of the moon if you must put the finding in the table and draw on the back of four looking segment, representing the natural elements. After reading conspiracy: "Four able to me in policing, luck, and wealth attract me the Vortexes of air negative conduct, and the water from the land of love at my side pwill ribut. So be it.". Esoteric homemade costume need to carefully hidden and use yourself.